TiQ Cut Optimizer
The company software for the optimization of the material cutting process
Our solution is designed for steel and manufacturing companies that want to improve the efficiency of their production process. Thanks to sophisticated algorithms of operational research and artificial intelligence, our TiQ Cut Optimizer represents the best product on the market to optimize the horizontal and vertical cutting of flat materials.
Cutting optimization
This product has been specially created with the intention of guaranteeing our customers the adoption of an ad hoc solution, able to respond effectively to the requests and needs of the user. For this reason, our work always proceeds according to a rigorous and consolidated method: first of all it is essential to understand the complexity of the problem that needs to be addressed and, to do this, the first step is to carry out a detailed analysis on how the cutting plans are made by the customer. After analyzing the business context and defining the cutting logic and operating constraints, the customization of our product is carried out, given that each company expresses different needs and problems.
Our solution for the optimization of material cutting allows you to find, thanks to a layer of heuristic logics, the best possible cutting patterns that respect the different business objectives. Like all optimization products, we initially receive input on:
- The state of the warehouse of the raw material to be processed
- The order book
Finally, the platform generates a specific output, the result of which may be to have minimized the waste of company resources, but above all to have designed a more effective and conservative cutting pattern. All this is made concrete thanks to the modern and intuitive graphic interface, which allows you to speed up and make the production process efficient.
Functional characteristics
TiQ Cut Optimizer consists of several functional aspects to be able to be defined as complete and effective, so let’s see together the most important ones:
- Custom front end:it is designed to function as a black box to be fed with the data to be analyzed, providing the optimized values of the quantities sought as output, or creating ad hoc interfaces
- Optimization engine:is an optimization engine based on mathematical and artificial intelligence algorithms. The differentiating factor of our solution is the introduction of heuristic logics that allow the routing of the solver towards the optimal solutions, thus reducing calculation times
- What If: it is designed to be able to compare scenarios in a natural way thanks to the architecture of the solution, which allows the creation and comparison of the same;
- Constraints – Objectives – KPIs: it bases its entire operating logic on the optimization of KPIs, that is, of those performance indicators that allow to discriminate the validity of a solution. The KPIs are characteristic for each problem, as well as the constraints and objectives to be pursued;
- Team / Skills:it is not just a product, TiQ offers its customers a methodological approach to better address optimization projects. The engine is a key factor, but the ability to understand the business problems to be managed is even more relevant.
Active Customers
Completed Projects
Iterface Machines
The business sectors in which to apply our TiQ Cut Optimizer are many, but they all share the same need to optimize the use of company resources and improve the quality of the final product. The application areas in which our solutions have proved particularly effective are mainly three:
In this sector we have made many installations so far, so we can affirm that this is the main area for the application of our solution for cutting coils and flat laminates.
Also in this case, the interventions in this industrial sector have been numerous. The goal is always to find new patterns for an optimized cut of fabrics.
Our platform is also effective for optimizing the cutting of slabs of different flat materials, such as marble and wood.

Why equip yourself with a cutting optimizer?
The mere offering of software products is no longer sufficient to optimize a company’s production processes. TiQ combines a complete range of software products with a deep understanding of business processes to ensure real optimization.
Anche il gruppo industriale Marcegaglia, il più grande operatore globale indipendente nel settore della trasformazione dell’acciaio, ha scelto il nostro motore di ottimizzazione TiQ Cut Optimizer per migliorare alcuni dei suoi core process per l’allocazione delle risorse. Questa importante società italiana era alla ricerca di uno strumento tecnologico avanzato che fosse in grado di ottimizzare il carico della materia prima sui treni, la movimentazione dei camion in stabilimento e il taglio delle coils, e per questo motivo ha deciso di affidarsi alla decennale esperienza di TiQ per raffinare le proprie logiche operative.