Factory management systems are a key factor in the success of your business

TiQ MES allows you to manage and control the production process of each factory in an integrated and efficient manner, ensuring the optimization of company resources, improving plant performance and providing management with the most advanced Business Intelligence tools.

Manufacturing Execution System

The MES has as its main objective the management and control of the production areas in the company, and this is guaranteed through direct connections to the factory machinery or manual declarations reported by the employees and operators in service at the plant. This software makes available to production managers all the IT tools that allow optimized scheduling of order dispatch, constant production tracking and integration of all automation in the field.

Furthermore, our solution is composed of a framework that guarantees a set of mathematical models and data analysis methodologies that aim to obtain useful information and knowledge for decision makers and knowledge workers

Functional characteristics

Our MES solution is characterized by several aspects, let’s see together the most relevant:

  • Production trend: provides a series of functions that allow production managers to always have the progress of the factory under control. Plant Status and Production Trends are the application focus points;
  • Integration with ERP and Lines: provides “out of the box” a series of services that allow the exchange of data with all management systems on the market. Furthermore, TiQ MES provides a simple and intuitive integration framework with automation systems;
  • Business report: offers a conspicuous and structured section dedicated to reporting. The reports, available out of the box, represent the typical quantities that show the operating status of a plant as OEE. It is possibile to create new ad hoc ones;
  • Control of the production process: it allows to create an application context that allows a simple and effective control of the production process. Real time monitoring, data ingestion and alarm status guarantee both an overview and a detailed view of everything that happens in the factory;
  • Team / Skills: it is not just a product: TiQ provides its customers with a methodological approach to better address the computerization projects of the production process. The product is a key factor, but the ability to understand the business problems to be managed is even more relevant and our consultants have the experience to do it;
  • References: For over 20 years, TiQ has been helping manufacturing companies to better manage the computerization of the production process.
Completed projects
Active Customers
Interfaced Machines

The operational advantages guaranteed by the MES

Today’s manufacturing companies have to face daily challenges that were unthinkable up to 20 years ago: we currently live in a hyper-connected world, in which news travels at click speed, and technological development is constantly on the rise. This new globalized world has allowed an exponential extension of international markets and trade, and this has led to a dramatic increase in the number of competitors within its operating sector. At this moment, any factory is not only competing with other companies on the national territory, but with all the plants present on the globe. This has raised the overall level of competitiveness, making technological modernization the key to any successful business.

A company that wants to find itself within the standards of Industry 4.0 cannot ignore the adoption of IT technological solutions that allow it an extensive and capillary control of productivity. Only through constant monitoring of the production process and cost optimization can the results necessary to survive the challenges of the global market be achieved, and the TiQ proposal is born exactly on the basis of these intentions.

Our solution, in fact, guarantees:

  • Improve the control of the production process
  • Improve the use of company resources
  • Correctly evaluate the progress of production
  • Properly evaluate the production costs
  • Constantly check the status of stocks
  • Simplify staff activities
  • Analyze static and / or dynamic bottlenecks

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